Why I cannot find it from Apple Store?
I cannot afford the Apple Developer Account fee, $99/year, so my app is not available on Apple Store. But you can access here to know how to block ads without our app. Appreciate if you can donate $1 to $10 to help BlockAd back to Apple Store. To donate you can use paypal to send money to this account Once I get $99 I will remove this message. Thanks.
How it works?
A proxy auto-config (PAC) file defines how web browsers and other user agents can automatically choose the appropriate proxy server (access method) for fetching a given URL. We use PAC to define rules to reject all advertisement requests and allow to access normal resources as usual. But iOS doesn't support PAC with cellular, so you can only use our method to block ads when you use wifi. To disable ads when you use cellular, you go to Settings->Cellular->USE CELLULAR DATA FOR to disable that app with ads.
Why choose us?
Free - total free.
Safe - our pac file is static stored on github, you can see the raw file which is only filter ad provider request and forward it to google, so you needn't worry about we collect your information.
Open Source - you can fork our github code to setup your own server if you like.
How to report bug?
If you use our app BlockAd, you can click Actions->Bug to send us email. Or you can access our github page to report issue without our app
Does it make internet access slow?
No, even faster. Because all unblocked advertisement network is direct, and advertisement network access is blocked, so save bandwidth to make it faster.
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