How To Use PhoneGap To Auto Subscribe

Phonegap was once popular solution to build ios app with web skills. But now there are more better choices, such as React Native or NativeScript, but I think Phonegap’s advantage is a lot of plugins. In the past half year, I spent a lot time to use cordova-plugin-purchase to support auto subscription, though this plugin has some problem and author doesn’t provide server receipt validation code or even explanation, but it seems it is still the best purchase plugin. After a lot struggling, finally I figure it how to do it.

rxjs introduction

RxJS is a JS implementation of Reactive

DotNet: I'm back

A side project requires Asp.Net. I don’t want to go back to DotNet, though it’s a good platform, but I don’t touch Windows for 4 years, I don’t use it for 8 years. Now I cannot image work with Windows, not Mac. As an engineer, we should keep curiosity for everything, right? The more important is Windows changes a lot in recent year, more open. That’s why DotNet can work on Mac. Now let’s setup everything on Mac.


Most engineers may want to join Facebook. It’s better to prepare before your interview so you can have bigger chance to get offer. Also I want to let you know Google and Facebook interviews are not as difficult as you think. Don’t be scared by someone’s idea, such like “how to get google offer”. Of course you have bigger possibility to get offer if you can know everything including the much complex data structure and algorithms, like B tree, B+ tree, A* algorithm … But you must know Graph or Tree DFS/BFS.

