Emacs yasnippet

Emacs yasnippet provides a lot of snippets for different program language, even markdown file. Also you can add your snippets if you like. For example, when I write blog with code, I don’t want to enter “{% highlight javascript %} {% endhighlight %}” everytime, with yasnippet help, I just need enter highlight then press ‘Tab’, the highlight snippet code is generated automatically.

Babel Tutorial For NodeJS

Babel.js is a js compiler which translates ES6 to ES5 which is implemented by all moreden browsers. Actually babel.js should be gone when ES6 is supported by most browsers. But before that, babel.js can help us to use ES6 new features before that happens. Why do we need use ES6 features right now? Because ES6 make our life easier for javascript.

BlockAd on iOS

Check my first iOS app BlockAd, which is based on ionic. You can use it block ads on ios app and web browser. Also you can access Chinese video/music sites when you are aboard, such as Youku, Sina video, Sohu video and Xiami. Thanks Unblock Youku.

redshift disk full

Today fail to copy data from s3 json file to redshift, check the stl_error and stl_load_errors tables, I find some error like “disk full error”. Also I check the redshift aws console, I find the Percentage of Disk Usage is 100%.

iOS html5 video

Some iOS html5 video experience. Actually I spent much time to handle some special cases for iOS html5 video element, but always forget after finishing my work. Next time I need to spend time to figure out the same issue. Now blog it to avoid to forget it again :)