Apr 1, 2015
You can find a good online chinese dictionary from here, but this site only provides the flash file to teach you how to write a Chinese character. To support most mobile devices, we can use Google Swiffy to convert it into html5.
Jan 12, 2015
It seems a simple to solve s3 cross domain issue, but I spent a lot of time to fix it. Maybe you will have similar issue, please try my solution if it works, if not, please let me know.
Sep 30, 2014
install jekyll deploy it to github add google anlytics add google ads add theme add jekyll command tool auto generate summary generate correct relates
It’s boring to manully create jekyll post and setup prety format, so I find two command line tools to help you create post easily.
Sep 27, 2014
TypesScript DefinitelyTyped Grunt Typescript