Let's encrypt for S3

Suppose you already know how to host static web site via AWS CloudFront and S3, and you have your own domain name, now you want to have SSL to support https. As developer, I like to use free resources to do everything, like this site with github, and Lets Encrypt for SSL.

Setup your static web site with CloudFront and S3

See more detail from this article

Create SSL

To use letsencrypt to create SSL for S3, you need certbot-s3front. It makes the whole process is very easy, it just installs some lib and run some commands, that’s it. Detail steps are below for Mac.

  1. brew install certbot
  2. pip install certbot-s3front
  3. Run below command to create and deploy ssl to CloudFront. You have to replace the parameters properly, including the “www.teeterpal.com”.
sudo AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="Your-AWS-Key" \
certbot --agree-tos -a certbot-s3front:auth \
--certbot-s3front:auth-s3-bucket Yous-S3-Bucket \
-i certbot-s3front:installer \
--certbot-s3front:installer-cf-distribution-id {Your-Distribution-Id} \
-d www.teeterpal.com

Then you can access our site https://www.teeterpal.com. If it doesn’t work, you can check if your site works well without SSL before.

Auto renew

To automate the renewal process without prompts (for example, with a monthly cron), you can add the certbot parameters --renew-by-default --text. Or even run above command to generate new SSL key, it will prompt “do you want to renew your SSL”. LetsEncrypt’s SSL is expired every 6 months. I have no idea how easy to regenerate automatically every 6 months without a dedicated EC2 instance.


I’m not sure if above Auto renew works, but it may not work.

certbot --agree-tos -a certbot-s3front:auth \
--certbot-s3front:auth-s3-bucket Yous-S3-Bucket \
-i certbot-s3front:installer \
--certbot-s3front:installer-cf-distribution-id {Your-Distribution-Id} \
-d {Your-Cloud-Front-URL}

Your-Cloud-Front-URL may like d3obslvgayxcv1.cloudfront.net. To run this command you have to change your DNS record from pointing to cloudfront to s3, else you will get error like:

Starting new HTTPS connection (1): s3.amazonaws.com
Self-verify of challenge failed, authorization abandoned!

How to update index.html

To use CloudFront to host SPA, you need set index.html or any other html page as home page and error page, so it always hits index.html. But CloudFront will cache your resource, how to make sure CloudFront always returns latest index.html? You can invalidate your index.html wheneven it’s changed, see more detail from here. You can use gulp-cloudfront-invalidate to invlaidate CloudFront resource in your build process. Note first 1000 invlaidation requests are free every month, $0.005 per extra request. Each request can invalidate more resources. For our site, we just need invalidate index.html whenever we deploy our code and we won’t deploy more than 1000/month, so it’s fine.

Another solution is using lambda@edge, but it will applies to all view request, which may affects performance.